So last night was the 77th annual Hollywood Santa Parade and our good friends Mike and Melissa asked if we wanted to go with them and their three year old daughter to check out the festivities. Beck and I agreed, because really, when it comes right down to it, who doesn't love a parade, especially one you can walk to in ten minutes. We set out shortly after five and found an excellent vantage point near the corner of Hollywood and Vine. The parade was about what we all expected, with the usual mix of equestrian groups, marching bands and b-list celebrities.
There was one element we did not expect, however, and that was the presence of DJ Poetry. Heard of her? Neither had we. DJ Poetry (pictured above, although at the parade she was decked out in much more formal attire)was our MC for the parade festivities and right away she displayed a unique talent. Unfortunately, that talent was fiddling with a laptop during the parade's many long lulls, and then somehow miraculously putting on some Christmas music right at the exact moment that the action began to resume. She also excelled at reading her parade script in a uniform monotone, misprouncing the names of Wyatt Earp and John Philip Sousa, and correctly describing Santa Claus as a "big, bearded...man."
At one point she searched her computer for some humorous christmas tunes and came up with one made up entirely of fart sounds. She clearly knew a captive audience when she saw one, and proceeded to shamelessly promote her website www.djpoetry.com for the duration of the parade. At one point, she gave away a framed, autographed copy of one of her poems, which she was also kind enough to recite.
Now I recognize that Hollywood is a tough town, and DJ Poetry can certainly be forgiven for trying to take full advantage of her opportunity. A visit to djpoetry.com, however, provides the photo above and practically nothing else. The site's still under construction! Plug away if you must, but don't get us all worked up for nothing. I had to go all the way to her MySpace page to find a copy of the poem she spoke so beautifully. Text is below, copyright and property of, er, DJ Poetry, I guess:
The divine inner sense of knowing everything appeared just like me. I in awe looked upon your being as you laid wide awake staring out open. Seeing everything in me. Never before have I ever seen anything quite as beautiful as you. Nor have I ever before imagined anything quite as beautiful as me.