Friday, September 12, 2008

Pamela vs Palin

I never thought that the first appearance of video on this blog would feature Pamela Anderson, but this is just too good to pass up. In the same way that Michelle Obama felt like she was really proud of her country for the first time, I'm finally proud of one of the normally vapid personalites that fuel the company I work for. Preach it, sister!


I'm going to include a second Palin video for the following reasons:

1. It's really funny.
2. I worked with Gina Gershon as a Production Assistant on Bound in the summer of 1995 so in a very tangential way it's connected to my Hollywood experiences. She was a bit of a diva in those days, having just come off of filming Showgirls with Paul Verhoeven. This was an interesting moment since Verhoeven was on a Hollywood hot streak at the time, having directed Robocop, Total Recall, and Basic Instinct in rapid sucession. When we began production, however, Showgirls was in the can but hadn't been released. So Gina came to the set of Bound (a low budget indie with first time directors Larry and Andy Wachowski) as someone who had just finished a featured role for an internationally acclaimed director. Of course, Showgirls landed with a huge belly flop when it came out before going on to become a beloved camp classic. Regardless, Gershon's performance in Showgirls is by far the most consistently entertaining, and this video spoofing Palin is more than enough for me to forgive her for all the time she kept us waiting on the Bound set.

See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die

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