Tonight I'm off to see the new movie from "Heathers" writer Daniel Waters, "Sex and Death 101". I go to see this because the script for "Heathers" really blew my adolescent mind when it came out 20 years ago, and because Mr. Waters himself is supposed to be doing a Q & A after the film. Of course, "Heathers" was a long time ago, and the underrated script for Tim Burton's 1992 "Batman Returns" notwithstanding, his output over the past two decades has been...let's call it subpar. When you've got "Heathers" and "Batman Returns" on one hand, and "Hudson Hawk", "Demoliton Man" and "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" on the other, it seems to fair to ask whether this writer may be past his prime. Great pate, but I've gotta motor if I'm gonna make it in time for that screening...
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